About Us
Alberta Prime Beef is a successful livestock business in the heart of Feedlot Alley. We specialize in marketing, cattle contracting, trucking and custom feeding. We also offer a convenient custom weigh facility and truck wash. With over 100 years of combined experience, our livestock brokers are some of the best in the business. It is this experience, along with our friendly, professional office team that keep our clients coming back. Call APB for all your livestock needs!
Alberta Prime Beef
Buying and selling cattle is our business. And, at Alberta Prime Beef we have the ability to handle fats, feeders, cull cows, calves and dairy cattle. As a Team Auction Sales agent, we offer access to many markets within Canada and across the United States, broadening the way you can market your cattle. We also have access to satellite sales, and continue to seek out numerous daily auction sales throughout Western Canada. The business of marketing and contracting cattle has changed significantly in recent years. It is critical to the success of your business to be aware of these changes and how they impact you. Alberta Prime Beef is here to offer you advice and options to get the best price for your cattle, including CPIP and production contracts. www.afsc.ca
Call today for the marketing and contracting advice you need!

Alberta Prime Transport
Our affiliated company, Alberta Prime Transport Ltd, offers both tri-axle and quad-axle livestock trailers to meet all your cattle hauling needs. Our drivers are all licensed, well-experienced professionals. We will pick up or deliver livestock across Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. We are also licensed for Colorado, Iowa, Idaho, Nebraska, Montana, Minnesota, Utah, Wyoming, Washington, South Dakota, and North Dakota.
Brent Dawson
Mobile: 403 382 0716
Email: apbdawson@gmail.com
Maaike Van Reeuwyk
Mobile: 403 732 5646
Email: albertaprimetrans@gmail.com
We offer a 24-hour PIN number access truck wash. With both an inside and an outside bay, it’s the perfect solution for every wash you need – day or night. Closed Sundays.
Please call Alberta Prime Transport Ltd
403-732-5646, during office hours, for your PIN number.
For emergency contact:
Brett Houweling (403-382-7827)

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

In House Therapist
Get in Touch
Box 419, Picture Butte, Alberta, Canada TOK 1V0
403 - 732 - 5644 | Fax: 403 - 732 - 4387